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CNG vehicle


CNG bus
  • One-in-five of all new transit buses in the U.S. are now being powered by CNG
  • There are more than 120,000 Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) on U.S. roads today and more than 8.7 million worldwide
  • There are approximately 1,000 NGV fueling stations in the U.S.—with over half available for public use
  • More than 50 different manufacturers produce 150 models of light, medium and heavy-duty natural gas vehicles and engines
  • Natural Gas Vehicles are also referred to as Compressed Natural Gas vehicles
  • NGVs use similar engine designs, body structures, etc., than gasoline or diesel fueled cars and trucks. Their biggest difference is fuel source

From helping the planet to your wallet, CNG provides 'big picture' benefits and put superior savings in the front seat.


  • Per unit of energy, natural gas contains less carbon than any other fossil fuel
  • Natural gas is far cleaner than traditional gasoline or diesel fuel, reducing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) by up to 30% and toxic emissions by up to 90%
  • Dedicated CNG vehicles produce little or no evaporative emissions during fueling and use
  • CNG vehicles can reduce exhaust emissions of Carbon Monoxide (CO) by 70%, Non-Methane Organic Gas (NMOG) by 87% and Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) by 87%


  • Natural gas costs, on average, 1/3 less than conventional gasoline at the pump

Compare the daily average price of gasoline or diesel by state or region or view daily natural gas prices at public fueling stations from here to Europe.


  • 97% of the natural gas used in the U.S. is produced in North America (85% from the U.S. and 12% from Canada)
  • CNG can quickly help reduce Florida’s $4 billion per month foreign oil bill while reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil
  • Every CNG station creates 45 new jobs within a 5-mile radius
  • Every gallon of natural gas used in vehicles is equivalent to one less gallon of petroleum that needs to be imported


LANGD CNG vehicle
  • In the event of an accident, traditional gasoline pools on the ground creating a fire hazard
  • Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), on the other hand, simply dissipates into the atmosphere and has a much narrower range of flammability
  • NGVs have stronger fuel storage cylinders, which have been proven to withstand the most stringent federal testing
  • ‘Sealed fuel systems’ further prevent spills or evaporative losses


Lake Apopka Natural Gas District
1320 Winter Garden-Vineland Rd.
Winter Garden, FL 34787
Main Office: 407.656.2734
Open M-F, 8am-5pm

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