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Natural Gas Energy Star

Energy Star®

About the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Program


Energy Star

As a homebuilder, you deserve to know that your homes are built to the highest possible standards. In addition to providing quality training, expert insights and added peace-of-mind, Lake Apopka Natural Gas District supports the ENERGY STAR® Version 3 Residential New Construction Program to ensure that for your new homes are:

  • Sealed and insulated properly and inspected by a third-party ENERGY STAR verifier
  • Equipped with properly designed and installed heating and air conditioning systems. (‘Duct work’ will be tested to verify that it is sealed properly and meets ENERGY STAR requirements)
  • Built to prevent issues ranging from internal moisture to external drainage
  • Tested and measured for potential problems concerning air quality/leakage
  • 15-30% more energy-efficient than ‘code built’ homes

To earn the ENERGY STAR, a home or apartment must meet strict program requirements for energy efficiency developed by ENERGY STAR's Residential New Construction program. These program requirements are based on extensive interaction with the nation’s home-building industry, including builders, developers, verification professionals, and building scientists.

ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments are at least 10% more efficient than homes built to code and achieve a 20% improvement on average. Homes and apartments achieve this level of performance through a complete package of building science measures, including:

  • A Complete Thermal Enclosure System PDF, 785 KB — Comprehensive air sealing, properly installed insulation, and high-performance windows work together to enhance comfort, improve durability, reduce maintenance costs, and lower monthly utility bills.
  • A Complete Heating and Cooling System (PDF, 738 KB) — High-efficiency systems that are engineered and installed to deliver more comfort, better moisture control, improved indoor air quality, and quieter operation.
  • A Complete Water Management System (PDF, 1.3 MB) — A comprehensive package of best building practices and materials protects roofs, walls, and foundations from water damage, provides added protection, and reduces the risk of indoor air quality problems.
  • Energy-Efficient Lighting and Appliances (PDF, 584 KB) — ENERGY STAR certified lighting, appliances, and fans are commonly installed throughout ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments, helping to reduce monthly utility bills, while providing high-quality performance.

To ensure that a home or apartment meets ENERGY STAR program requirements, third−party verification by an Energy Rating Company (i.e., home energy rater or rating provider) is required. An Energy Rating Company works closely with the builder or developer throughout the construction process to help determine the needed energy−saving equipment and construction techniques and conduct required on−site diagnostic testing and inspections to document that the home or apartment is eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR label.

Since the inception of the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes program in 1995, the program's requirements ( have continued to evolve in response to increased rigor in mandated code requirements and more efficient standard builder practices to ensure that homes that earn the label continue to represent a meaningful improvement over non-labeled homes.

For information on the Energy State Residential Construction Program Click Here

Call us at 407.656.2734 and see how we can help you obtain the ENERGY STAR for your new homes.

Lake Apopka Natural Gas District
1320 Winter Garden-Vineland Rd.
Winter Garden, FL 34787
Main Office: 407.656.2734
Open M-F, 8am-5pm

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