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Natural Gas safety 811


Know what's below. Call before you dig!


811Damages to gas pipelines are most often caused by people doing excavation, digging, grading or other earth-disturbing work. But, whether you are planning to build a major development or just landscape your yard. Smart digging means knowing where utility lines are buried BEFORE you dig in order to protect yourself from injury and prevent damage to underground utility lines. One easy call to 811 starts the process of getting underground utility lines marked for FREE. Before installing landscaping, fencing or a mailbox, put down the shovel, pick up the phone and call 811!

Utility Flag Colors:

  Red Electric power lines, cables, conduit and lighting cables
  Yellow Gas, oil, steam, petroleum or gaseous materials
  Orange Communications, alarm or signal lines cables or conduit
  Blue Potable water lines
  Purple Reclaimed water, irrigation and slurry lines
  Green Sewer lines
  White Proposed excavation
  Pink Temporary survey markings

Signs of Natural Gas:

gas line request These flags are put in the ground to locate our gas line for other requesting companies. Please do not pull them up until the other utility has finished working in that area.
painted gas marking Where flags are not able to be put in the ground, markings are painted on the pavement to locate the gas lines for the utilities.
vent tube These vent tubes are connected to a casing pipe, used for an underground road crossing.
gas test station Test station, used to help locate our underground piping. If you see one damaged, please call us ASAP to have it repaired.
residential gas meter Residential gas meter
industrial gas meter Industrial gas meter
Lake Apopka Natural Gas District
1320 Winter Garden-Vineland Rd.
Winter Garden, FL 34787
Main Office: 407.656.2734
Open M-F, 8am-5pm

Copyright © Lake Apopka Natural Gas District. All right reserved. 6.3.1